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How to Stay Productive on a Busy Saturday!

All you really have to do is go outside and stare into the vast abyss that is your property and trust me, there will be 127864127864 Projects that magically appear on your To do list. That's at least how it out here! Chris is thrilled about the longer days; to him, this means there are a few extra hours he can work outside. For me, this means dinner is now at 8 pm instead of 6 pm, because once you eat dinner, nothing else work-wise happens!

This morning started innocently enough. We had a cup of coffee and decided to watch a few Beekeeping YouTube videos. The dogs wanted out and that was the end of what almost felt like it was going to be a lazy day. As I stepped outside, I was reminded that I needed to harvest the last test bed of Potatoes. I like trying out a few new things in a few raised garden beds to see how they work out. Do they grow? Are they high-maintenance plants? Do they need much help from me growing? The end result is that the few Potato plants I tried out did well, and next season, we're going to do this on a much larger scale. While I was out there, I went to check on the bulbing onions I was also trying out for the first time this year and decided to pull one. So far, so good (we'll use that one in dinner tonight!), and then I spotted some beans that needed to be picked. At this point, I had succumbed to the idea that this was what I was going to be doing for the next 30 minutes. The Sun was still not high enough to bother me, and I was feeling the morning energy in my garden.

At this point Chris decided it would be a good time to go back out and build the chicken run (more on that in another post).

As I took my bounty back inside, I spotted black mulberries that were begging me to eat them. Who am I to argue with a Mulberry bush? Last year I radically trimmed the Mulberry bush by cutting off 50% of every single branch and removing all leaves. It came back with a vengeance and if you're interested in the why and how, Jacqueline from the Wild Floridan is where I got that idea from!

It worked well, and my Mulberry bush is absolutely LOADED with big juicy berries this season as you can see below. I harvested a bunch and I'll make something with those for dessert.

And then we spotted the most amazing thing! Our Pineapple Guava started to bloom for the first time ever, and lord are those flowers GORGEOUS!! We're hoping it will fruit this year for the first time as well! Aren't these flowers beautiful?!

At this point, the sun was starting to bother me, and I went back inside, but the morale of the story? If you want to be busy, just walk outside... ;)

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