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Summer Gardening Season wrap up

As our Summer Gardening season is just about wrapped up (we still have some stragglers producing) and some of the fall crops are planted and growing, I can look back and go "Ok, what did we do differently this year that we succeeded? And why did it work..."

  1. We planted native Florida varieties a lot or things that were adapted to this climate. Growing things that grow better in different zones are going to struggle here because they are not adapted well to our heat/humidity/bugs etc. If you stick largely with Florida-adapted plants, your garden will have a much easier time flourishing!

  2. We didn't spray anything... at all. Our Garden was full of predators and we had wasps, ladybugs, spiders and everything else under the sun that basically did the pest controlling for us! Our Narnia (Cowpea) tunnel was fuuuuuuulll of predatory stink bugs and we identified a lot of hunting insects there. BUT... we didn't lose any crops. They literally did all of the work for us, and the tunnel, while finally thinning out, is still producing healthy cowpeas.

  3. We started with really good composting soil. Last spring we had ordered a truckload of topsoil and they delivered the most amazing composted soil that helped us grow healthy plants in abundance.

I actually came across a video last night from "David the Good", where he laid out these exact things and explained why they work. It really is worth watching 

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